
BaseWindowConstructorOptions Object

  • width Integer (可选) - 窗口的宽度(以像素为单位)。 默认值为 800。
  • height Integer (可选) - 窗口的高度(以像素为单位)。 默认值为 600。
  • x Integer (可选) (如果y存在则必填) - 窗口相对于屏幕左侧的偏移量。 默认值为将窗口居中。
  • y Integer (可选) (如果x存在则必填) - 窗口相对于屏幕顶端的偏移量。 默认值为将窗口居中。
  • useContentSize boolean (optional) - The width and height would be used as web page's size, which means the actual window's size will include window frame's size and be slightly larger. Default is false.
  • center boolean (可选) - 窗口是否在屏幕居中显示。 Default is false.
  • minWidth Integer (可选) - 窗口的最小宽度。 默认值为0
  • minHight Integer (可选) - 窗口的最小高度。 默认值为0
  • maxWidth Integer (optional) - Window's maximum width. 默认值不限
  • maxHeight Integer (optional) - Window's maximum height. 默认值不限
  • resizable boolean (optional) - Whether window is resizable. Default is true.
  • movable boolean (optional) macOS Windows - Whether window is movable. 在 Linux 上未实现。 Default is true.
  • minimizable boolean (optional) macOS Windows - Whether window is minimizable. 在 Linux 上未实现。 Default is true.
  • maximizable boolean (optional) macOS Windows - Whether window is maximizable. 在 Linux 上未实现。 Default is true.
  • closable boolean (optional) macOS Windows - Whether window is closable. 在 Linux 上未实现。 Default is true.
  • focusable boolean (optional) - Whether the window can be focused. Default is true. On Windows setting focusable: false also implies setting skipTaskbar: true. On Linux setting focusable: false makes the window stop interacting with wm, so the window will always stay on top in all workspaces.
  • alwaysOnTop boolean (optional) - Whether the window should always stay on top of other windows. Default is false.
  • fullscreen boolean (optional) - Whether the window should show in fullscreen. When explicitly set to false the fullscreen button will be hidden or disabled on macOS. Default is false.
  • fullscreenable boolean (optional) - Whether the window can be put into fullscreen mode. On macOS, also whether the maximize/zoom button should toggle full screen mode or maximize window. Default is true.
  • simpleFullscreen boolean (optional) macOS - Use pre-Lion fullscreen on macOS. Default is false.
  • skipTaskbar boolean (optional) macOS Windows - Whether to show the window in taskbar. Default is false.
  • hiddenInMissionControl boolean (optional) macOS - Whether window should be hidden when the user toggles into mission control.
  • kiosk boolean (optional) - Whether the window is in kiosk mode. Default is false.
  • title string (optional) - Default window title. Default is "Electron". If the HTML tag <title> is defined in the HTML file loaded by loadURL(), this property will be ignored.
  • icon (NativeImage | string) (optional) - The window icon. On Windows it is recommended to use ICO icons to get best visual effects, you can also leave it undefined so the executable's icon will be used.
  • show boolean (optional) - Whether window should be shown when created. Default is true.
  • frame boolean (optional) - Specify false to create a frameless window. Default is true.
  • parent BaseWindow (optional) - Specify parent window. Default is null.
  • modal boolean (optional) - Whether this is a modal window. This only works when the window is a child window. Default is false.
  • acceptFirstMouse boolean (optional) macOS - Whether clicking an inactive window will also click through to the web contents. Default is false on macOS. 此选项在其他平台上不可配置。
  • disableAutoHideCursor boolean (optional) - Whether to hide cursor when typing. Default is false.
  • autoHideMenuBar boolean (optional) - Auto hide the menu bar unless the Alt key is pressed. Default is false.
  • enableLargerThanScreen boolean (optional) macOS - Enable the window to be resized larger than screen. Only relevant for macOS, as other OSes allow larger-than-screen windows by default. Default is false.
  • backgroundColor string (optional) - The window's background color in Hex, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA or named CSS color format. Alpha in #AARRGGBB format is supported if transparent is set to true. Default is #FFF (white). 更多信息,请阅读 win.setBackgroundColor
  • hasShadow boolean (optional) - Whether window should have a shadow. Default is true.
  • opacity number (optional) macOS Windows - Set the initial opacity of the window, between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). This is only implemented on Windows and macOS.
  • darkTheme boolean (optional) - Forces using dark theme for the window, only works on some GTK+3 desktop environments. Default is false.
  • transparent boolean (optional) - Makes the window transparent. Default is false. 在Windows上,仅在无边框窗口下起作用。
  • type string (optional) - The type of window, default is normal window. See more about this below.
  • visualEffectState string (optional) macOS - Specify how the material appearance should reflect window activity state on macOS. Must be used with the vibrancy property. 可能的值有
    • followWindow - The backdrop should automatically appear active when the window is active, and inactive when it is not. 默认为该值。
    • active - The backdrop should always appear active.
    • inactive - The backdrop should always appear inactive.
  • titleBarStyle string (optional) - The style of window title bar. Default is default. 可能的值有
    • default - Results in the standard title bar for macOS or Windows respectively.
    • hidden - Results in a hidden title bar and a full size content window. 在 macOS 内, 窗口将一直拥有位于左上的标准窗口控制器 (“traffic lights”)。 On Windows and Linux, when combined with titleBarOverlay: true it will activate the Window Controls Overlay (see titleBarOverlay for more information), otherwise no window controls will be shown.
    • hiddenInset macOS - Results in a hidden title bar with an alternative look where the traffic light buttons are slightly more inset from the window edge.
    • customButtonsOnHover macOS - Results in a hidden title bar and a full size content window, the traffic light buttons will display when being hovered over in the top left of the window. Note: This option is currently experimental.
  • titleBarOverlay Object | Boolean (optional) - When using a frameless window in conjunction with win.setWindowButtonVisibility(true) on macOS or using a titleBarStyle so that the standard window controls ("traffic lights" on macOS) are visible, this property enables the Window Controls Overlay JavaScript APIs and CSS Environment Variables. Specifying true will result in an overlay with default system colors. Default is false.
    • color String (optional) Windows Linux - The CSS color of the Window Controls Overlay when enabled. 默认是系统颜色。
    • symbolColor String (optional) Windows - The CSS color of the symbols on the Window Controls Overlay when enabled. 默认是系统颜色。
    • height Integer (optional) - The height of the title bar and Window Controls Overlay in pixels. 默认值为系统高度。
  • trafficLightPosition Point (optional) macOS - Set a custom position for the traffic light buttons in frameless windows.
  • roundedCorners boolean (optional) macOS - Whether frameless window should have rounded corners on macOS. Default is true. Setting this property to false will prevent the window from being fullscreenable.
  • thickFrame boolean (optional) - Use WS_THICKFRAME style for frameless windows on Windows, which adds standard window frame. Setting it to false will remove window shadow and window animations. Default is true.
  • vibrancy string (optional) macOS - Add a type of vibrancy effect to the window, only on macOS. Can be appearance-based, titlebar, selection, menu, popover, sidebar, header, sheet, window, hud, fullscreen-ui, tooltip, content, under-window, or under-page.
  • backgroundMaterial string (optional) Windows - Set the window's system-drawn background material, including behind the non-client area. Can be auto, none, mica, acrylic or tabbed. See win.setBackgroundMaterial for more information.
  • zoomToPageWidth boolean (optional) macOS - Controls the behavior on macOS when option-clicking the green stoplight button on the toolbar or by clicking the Window > Zoom menu item. If true, the window will grow to the preferred width of the web page when zoomed, false will cause it to zoom to the width of the screen. This will also affect the behavior when calling maximize() directly. Default is false.
  • tabbingIdentifier string (optional) macOS - Tab group name, allows opening the window as a native tab. Windows with the same tabbing identifier will be grouped together. This also adds a native new tab button to your window's tab bar and allows your app and window to receive the new-window-for-tab event.

When setting minimum or maximum window size with minWidth/maxWidth/ minHeight/maxHeight, it only constrains the users. It won't prevent you from passing a size that does not follow size constraints to setBounds/setSize or to the constructor of BrowserWindow.

type 选项的可用值和可能的行为与平台相关。 可能的值有

  • On Linux, possible types are desktop, dock, toolbar, splash, notification.
    • The desktop type places the window at the desktop background window level (kCGDesktopWindowLevel - 1). However, note that a desktop window will not receive focus, keyboard, or mouse events. You can still use globalShortcut to receive input sparingly.
    • The dock type creates a dock-like window behavior.
    • The toolbar type creates a window with a toolbar appearance.
    • The splash type behaves in a specific way. It is not draggable, even if the CSS styling of the window's body contains -webkit-app-region: drag. This type is commonly used for splash screens.
    • The notification type creates a window that behaves like a system notification.
  • On macOS, possible types are desktop, textured, panel.
    • The textured type adds metal gradient appearance. This option is deprecated.
    • The desktop type places the window at the desktop background window level (kCGDesktopWindowLevel - 1). Note that desktop window will not receive focus, keyboard or mouse events, but you can use globalShortcut to receive input sparingly.
    • The panel type enables the window to float on top of full-screened apps by adding the NSWindowStyleMaskNonactivatingPanel style mask,normally reserved for NSPanel, at runtime. Also, the window will appear on all spaces (desktops).
  • On Windows, possible type is toolbar.