Device Access
Like Chromium based browsers, Electron provides access to device hardware through web APIs. For the most part these APIs work like they do in a browser, but there are some differences that need to be taken into account. The primary difference between Electron and browsers is what happens when device access is requested. In a browser, users are presented with a popup where they can grant access to an individual device. In Electron APIs are provided which can be used by a developer to either automatically pick a device or prompt users to pick a device via a developer created interface.
Web Bluetooth API
The Web Bluetooth API can be used to communicate with bluetooth devices. In order to use this API in Electron, developers will need to handle the select-bluetooth-device
event on the webContents associated with the device request.
Additionally, ses.setBluetoothPairingHandler(handler)
can be used to handle pairing to bluetooth devices on Windows or Linux when additional validation such as a pin is needed.
This example demonstrates an Electron application that automatically selects the first available bluetooth device when the Test Bluetooth
button is clicked.
- main.js
- preload.js
- index.html
- renderer.js
const { app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain } = require('electron/main')
const path = require('node:path')
let bluetoothPinCallback
let selectBluetoothCallback
function createWindow () {
const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600,
webPreferences: {
preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')
mainWindow.webContents.on('select-bluetooth-device', (event, deviceList, callback) => {
selectBluetoothCallback = callback
const result = deviceList.find((device) => {
return device.deviceName === 'test'
if (result) {
} else {
// The device wasn't found so we need to either wait longer (eg until the
// device is turned on) or until the user cancels the request
ipcMain.on('cancel-bluetooth-request', (event) => {
// Listen for a message from the renderer to get the response for the Bluetooth pairing.
ipcMain.on('bluetooth-pairing-response', (event, response) => {
mainWindow.webContents.session.setBluetoothPairingHandler((details, callback) => {
bluetoothPinCallback = callback
// Send a message to the renderer to prompt the user to confirm the pairing.
mainWindow.webContents.send('bluetooth-pairing-request', details)
app.whenReady().then(() => {
app.on('activate', function () {
if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) createWindow()
app.on('window-all-closed', function () {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') app.quit()
const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } = require('electron/renderer')
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electronAPI', {
cancelBluetoothRequest: () => ipcRenderer.send('cancel-bluetooth-request'),
bluetoothPairingRequest: (callback) => ipcRenderer.on('bluetooth-pairing-request', () => callback()),
bluetoothPairingResponse: (response) => ipcRenderer.send('bluetooth-pairing-response', response)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'">
<title>Web Bluetooth API</title>
<h1>Web Bluetooth API</h1>
<button id="clickme">Test Bluetooth</button>
<button id="cancel">Cancel Bluetooth Request</button>
<p>Currently selected bluetooth device: <strong id="device-name"></strong></p>
<script src="./renderer.js"></script>
async function testIt () {
const device = await navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice({
acceptAllDevices: true
document.getElementById('device-name').innerHTML = || `ID: ${}`
document.getElementById('clickme').addEventListener('click', testIt)
function cancelRequest () {
document.getElementById('cancel').addEventListener('click', cancelRequest)
window.electronAPI.bluetoothPairingRequest((event, details) => {
const response = {}
switch (details.pairingKind) {
case 'confirm': {
response.confirmed = window.confirm(`Do you want to connect to device ${details.deviceId}?`)
case 'confirmPin': {
response.confirmed = window.confirm(`Does the pin ${} match the pin displayed on device ${details.deviceId}?`)
case 'providePin': {
const pin = window.prompt(`Please provide a pin for ${details.deviceId}.`)
if (pin) { = pin
response.confirmed = true
} else {
response.confirmed = false
The WebHID API can be used to access HID devices such as keyboards and gamepads. Electron provides several APIs for working with the WebHID API:
- The
event on the Session can be used to select a HID device when a call tonavigator.hid.requestDevice
is made. Additionally thehid-device-added
events on the Session can be used to handle devices being plugged in or unplugged when handling theselect-hid-device
event. Note: These events only fire until the callback fromselect-hid-device
is called. They are not intended to be used as a generic hid device listener. ses.setDevicePermissionHandler(handler)
can be used to provide default permissioning to devices without first calling for permission to devices vianavigator.hid.requestDevice
. Additionally, the default behavior of Electron is to store granted device permission through the lifetime of the corresponding WebContents. If longer term storage is needed, a developer can store granted device permissions (eg when handling theselect-hid-device
event) and then read from that storage withsetDevicePermissionHandler
can be used to disable HID access for specific origins.
By default Electron employs the same blocklist used by Chromium. If you wish to override this behavior, you can do so by setting the disable-hid-blocklist
This example demonstrates an Electron application that automatically selects HID devices through ses.setDevicePermissionHandler(handler)
and through select-hid-device
event on the Session when the Test WebHID
button is clicked.
- main.js
- index.html
- renderer.js
const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron/main')
function createWindow () {
const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600
mainWindow.webContents.session.on('select-hid-device', (event, details, callback) => {
// Add events to handle devices being added or removed before the callback on
// `select-hid-device` is called.
mainWindow.webContents.session.on('hid-device-added', (event, device) => {
console.log('hid-device-added FIRED WITH', device)
// Optionally update details.deviceList
mainWindow.webContents.session.on('hid-device-removed', (event, device) => {
console.log('hid-device-removed FIRED WITH', device)
// Optionally update details.deviceList
if (details.deviceList && details.deviceList.length > 0) {
mainWindow.webContents.session.setPermissionCheckHandler((webContents, permission, requestingOrigin, details) => {
if (permission === 'hid' && details.securityOrigin === 'file:///') {
return true
mainWindow.webContents.session.setDevicePermissionHandler((details) => {
if (details.deviceType === 'hid' && details.origin === 'file://') {
return true
app.whenReady().then(() => {
app.on('activate', function () {
if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) createWindow()
app.on('window-all-closed', function () {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') app.quit()
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'">
<title>WebHID API</title>
<h1>WebHID API</h1>
<button id="clickme">Test WebHID</button>
<h3>HID devices automatically granted access via <i>setDevicePermissionHandler</i></h3>
<div id="granted-devices"></div>
<h3>HID devices automatically granted access via <i>select-hid-device</i></h3>
<div id="granted-devices2"></div>
<script src="./renderer.js"></script>
function formatDevices (devices) {
return => device.productName).join('<hr>')
async function testIt () {
document.getElementById('granted-devices').innerHTML = formatDevices(await navigator.hid.getDevices())
document.getElementById('granted-devices2').innerHTML = formatDevices(await navigator.hid.requestDevice({ filters: [] }))
document.getElementById('clickme').addEventListener('click', testIt)
Web Serial API
The Web Serial API can be used to access serial devices that are connected via serial port, USB, or Bluetooth. In order to use this API in Electron, developers will need to handle the select-serial-port
event on the Session associated with the serial port request.
There are several additional APIs for working with the Web Serial API:
- The
events on the Session can be used to handle devices being plugged in or unplugged when handling theselect-serial-port
event. Note: These events only fire until the callback fromselect-serial-port
is called. They are not intended to be used as a generic serial port listener. ses.setDevicePermissionHandler(handler)
can be used to provide default permissioning to devices without first calling for permission to devices vianavigator.serial.requestPort
. Additionally, the default behavior of Electron is to store granted device permission through the lifetime of the corresponding WebContents. If longer term storage is needed, a developer can store granted device permissions (eg when handling theselect-serial-port
event) and then read from that storage withsetDevicePermissionHandler
can be used to disable serial access for specific origins.
This example demonstrates an Electron application that automatically selects serial devices through ses.setDevicePermissionHandler(handler)
as well as demonstrating selecting the first available Arduino Uno serial device (if connected) through select-serial-port
event on the Session when the Test Web Serial
button is clicked.
- main.js
- index.html
- renderer.js
const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron/main')
function createWindow () {
const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600
mainWindow.webContents.session.on('select-serial-port', (event, portList, webContents, callback) => {
// Add listeners to handle ports being added or removed before the callback for `select-serial-port`
// is called.
mainWindow.webContents.session.on('serial-port-added', (event, port) => {
console.log('serial-port-added FIRED WITH', port)
// Optionally update portList to add the new port
mainWindow.webContents.session.on('serial-port-removed', (event, port) => {
console.log('serial-port-removed FIRED WITH', port)
// Optionally update portList to remove the port
if (portList && portList.length > 0) {
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line n/no-callback-literal
callback('') // Could not find any matching devices
mainWindow.webContents.session.setPermissionCheckHandler((webContents, permission, requestingOrigin, details) => {
if (permission === 'serial' && details.securityOrigin === 'file:///') {
return true
return false
mainWindow.webContents.session.setDevicePermissionHandler((details) => {
if (details.deviceType === 'serial' && details.origin === 'file://') {
return true
return false
app.whenReady().then(() => {
app.on('activate', function () {
if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) createWindow()
app.on('window-all-closed', function () {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') app.quit()
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'">
<title>Web Serial API</title>
<h1>Web Serial API</h1>
<button id="clickme">Test Web Serial API</button>
<p>Matching Arduino Uno device: <strong id="device-name""></strong></p>
<script src="./renderer.js"></script>
async function testIt () {
const filters = [
{ usbVendorId: 0x2341, usbProductId: 0x0043 },
{ usbVendorId: 0x2341, usbProductId: 0x0001 }
try {
const port = await navigator.serial.requestPort({ filters })
const portInfo = port.getInfo()
document.getElementById('device-name').innerHTML = `vendorId: ${portInfo.usbVendorId} | productId: ${portInfo.usbProductId} `
} catch (ex) {
if ( === 'NotFoundError') {
document.getElementById('device-name').innerHTML = 'Device NOT found'
} else {
document.getElementById('device-name').innerHTML = ex
document.getElementById('clickme').addEventListener('click', testIt)
The WebUSB API can be used to access USB devices. Electron provides several APIs for working with the WebUSB API:
- The
event on the Session can be used to select a USB device when a call tonavigator.usb.requestDevice
is made. Additionally theusb-device-added
events on the Session can be used to handle devices being plugged in or unplugged when handling theselect-usb-device
event. Note: These two events only fire until the callback fromselect-usb-device
is called. They are not intended to be used as a generic usb device listener. - The
event on the Session can be used to respond when device.forget() is called on a USB device. ses.setDevicePermissionHandler(handler)
can be used to provide default permissioning to devices without first calling for permission to devices vianavigator.usb.requestDevice
. Additionally, the default behavior of Electron is to store granted device permission through the lifetime of the corresponding WebContents. If longer term storage is needed, a developer can store granted device permissions (eg when handling theselect-usb-device
event) and then read from that storage withsetDevicePermissionHandler
can be used to disable USB access for specific origins.- `ses.setUSBProtectedClassesHandler can be used to allow usage of protected USB classes that are not available by default.
This example demonstrates an Electron application that automatically selects USB devices (if they are attached) through ses.setDevicePermissionHandler(handler)
and through select-usb-device
event on the Session when the Test WebUSB
button is clicked.
- main.js
- index.html
- renderer.js
const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron/main')
function createWindow () {
const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600
let grantedDeviceThroughPermHandler
mainWindow.webContents.session.on('select-usb-device', (event, details, callback) => {
// Add events to handle devices being added or removed before the callback on
// `select-usb-device` is called.
mainWindow.webContents.session.on('usb-device-added', (event, device) => {
console.log('usb-device-added FIRED WITH', device)
// Optionally update details.deviceList
mainWindow.webContents.session.on('usb-device-removed', (event, device) => {
console.log('usb-device-removed FIRED WITH', device)
// Optionally update details.deviceList
if (details.deviceList && details.deviceList.length > 0) {
const deviceToReturn = details.deviceList.find((device) => {
return !grantedDeviceThroughPermHandler || (device.deviceId !== grantedDeviceThroughPermHandler.deviceId)
if (deviceToReturn) {
} else {
mainWindow.webContents.session.setPermissionCheckHandler((webContents, permission, requestingOrigin, details) => {
if (permission === 'usb' && details.securityOrigin === 'file:///') {
return true
mainWindow.webContents.session.setDevicePermissionHandler((details) => {
if (details.deviceType === 'usb' && details.origin === 'file://') {
if (!grantedDeviceThroughPermHandler) {
grantedDeviceThroughPermHandler = details.device
return true
} else {
return false
mainWindow.webContents.session.setUSBProtectedClassesHandler((details) => {
return details.protectedClasses.filter((usbClass) => {
// Exclude classes except for audio classes
return usbClass.indexOf('audio') === -1
app.whenReady().then(() => {
app.on('activate', function () {
if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) createWindow()
app.on('window-all-closed', function () {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') app.quit()
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'">
<title>WebUSB API</title>
<h1>WebUSB API</h1>
<button id="clickme">Test WebUSB</button>
<h3>USB devices automatically granted access via <i>setDevicePermissionHandler</i></h3>
<div id="granted-devices"></div>
<h3>USB devices automatically granted access via <i>select-usb-device</i></h3>
<div id="granted-devices2"></div>
<script src="./renderer.js"></script>
function getDeviceDetails (device) {
return device.productName || `Unknown device ${device.deviceId}`
async function testIt () {
const noDevicesFoundMsg = 'No devices found'
const grantedDevices = await navigator.usb.getDevices()
let grantedDeviceList = ''
if (grantedDevices.length > 0) {
for (const device of grantedDevices) {
grantedDeviceList += `<hr>${getDeviceDetails(device)}</hr>`
} else {
grantedDeviceList = noDevicesFoundMsg
document.getElementById('granted-devices').innerHTML = grantedDeviceList
grantedDeviceList = ''
try {
const grantedDevice = await navigator.usb.requestDevice({
filters: []
grantedDeviceList += `<hr>${getDeviceDetails(grantedDevice)}</hr>`
} catch (ex) {
if ( === 'NotFoundError') {
grantedDeviceList = noDevicesFoundMsg
document.getElementById('granted-devices2').innerHTML = grantedDeviceList
document.getElementById('clickme').addEventListener('click', testIt)