Google Summer of Code 2022
Команда Electron рада сообщить, что в этом году мы впервые примем участие в Google Summer of Code!
Что такое Google Summer of Code?
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) - это ежегодная программа наставничества, объединяющая проекты программного обеспечения с открытым исходным кодом с потенциальными участниками. Раньше это было только для студентов, но теперь зарегистрироваться в GSoC может любой желающий в возрасте от 18 лет и старше.
Для получения подробной информации, ознакомьтесь с сайтом GSoC.
Как зарегистрироваться?
Вы заинтересованы в сотрудничестве с Electron? If you are a new or beginner open source contributor, we welcome you to apply!
In order to be selected as an Electron contributor for Google Summer of Code, you will need to submit an application. Applications will open on April 4th, 2022 and close on April 19th, 2022. You can follow updates for Google: Summer of Code application guidelines here.
Want to apply? First, check out the five project idea drafts that we have prepared. All of the listed ideas are currently open for proposals. We are also open to accepting new ideas that are not on the proposed project list.
Your application should include:
- Your proposal, which is a written document that describes in detail what you plan to achieve over the course of the summer.
- Your background as a developer. If you have a resume, please include a copy, otherwise tell us about your past experience with an emphasis on relevant technical experience.
A detailed guide of what to submit as part of your Electron application is here.
You can also read through the official GSoC student/contributor guide for important tips on preparing your proposal.
If you want to discuss project proposals or have questions, come hang out in our #gsoc-general Discord channel!