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Electron 35.0.0

· 5 min read

Electron 35.0.0 has been released! It includes upgrades to Chromium 134.0.6998.44, V8 13.5, and Node 22.14.0.

The Electron team is excited to announce the release of Electron 35.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. Continue reading for details about this release.

If you have any feedback, please share it with us on Bluesky or Mastodon, or join our community Discord! Bugs and feature requests can be reported in Electron's issue tracker.

Notable Changes

Service Worker Preload Scripts for Improved Extensions Support

Originally proposed in RFC #8 by @samuelmaddock, Electron 35 adds the ability to attach a preload script to Service Workers. With Chrome's Manifest V3 Extensions routing a lot of work through extension service workers, this feature fills in a gap in Electron's support for modern Chrome extensions.

When registering a preload script programmatically at the Session level, you can now specifically apply it to Service Worker contexts with the ses.registerPreloadScript(script) API.

Main Process
// Add our preload realm script to the session.
// Our script should only run in service worker preload realms.
type: 'service-worker',
// The absolute path to the script.
script: path.join(__dirname, 'extension-sw-preload.js'),

Furthermore, IPC is now available between Service Workers and their attached preload scripts via the ServiceWorkerMain.ipc class. The preload script will still use the ipcRenderer module to communicate with its Service Worker. See the original RFC for more details.

This feature was preceded by many other changes that laid the groundwork for it:

  • #45329 redesigned the Session module's preload APIs to support registering and unregistering individual preload scripts.
  • #45229 added the experimental contextBridge.executeInMainWorld(executionScript) script to evaluate JavaScript in the main world over the context bridge.
  • #45341 added the ServiceWorkerMain class to interact with Service Workers in the main process.

Stack Changes

Electron 35 upgrades Chromium from 132.0.6834.83 to 134.0.6998.44, Node from 20.18.1 to 22.14.0, and V8 from 13.2 to 13.5.

New Features

  • Added NSPrefersDisplaySafeAreaCompatibilityMode = false to Info.plist to remove "Scale to fit below built-in camera." from app options. #45357 (Also in v34.1.0)
  • Added ServiceWorkerMain class to interact with service workers in the main process. #45341
    • Added running-status-changed event on ServiceWorkers to indicate when a service worker's running status has changed.
    • Added startWorkerForScope on ServiceWorkers to start a worker that may have been previously stopped.
  • Added experimental contextBridge.executeInMainWorld to safely execute code across world boundaries. #45330
  • Added frame to 'console-message' event. #43617
  • Added query-session-end event and improved session-end events on Windows. #44598
  • Added view.getVisible(). #45409
  • Added webContents.navigationHistory.restore(index, entries) API that allows restoration of navigation history. #45583
  • Added optional animation parameter to BrowserWindow.setVibrancy. #35987
  • Added permission support for document.executeCommand("paste"). #45471 (Also in v34.1.0)
  • Added support for roundedCorners BrowserWindow constructor option on Windows. #45740 (Also in v34.3.0)
  • Added support for service worker preload scripts. #45408
  • Support Portal's globalShortcuts. Electron must be run with --enable-features=GlobalShortcutsPortal in order to have the feature working. #45297

Breaking Changes

Removed: isDefault and status properties on PrinterInfo

These properties have been removed from the PrinterInfo object because they have been removed from upstream Chromium.

Deprecated: getFromVersionID on session.serviceWorkers

The session.serviceWorkers.fromVersionID(versionId) API has been deprecated in favor of session.serviceWorkers.getInfoFromVersionID(versionId). This was changed to make it more clear which object is returned with the introduction of the session.serviceWorkers.getWorkerFromVersionID(versionId) API.

// Deprecated

// Replace with

Deprecated: setPreloads, getPreloads on Session

registerPreloadScript, unregisterPreloadScript, and getPreloadScripts are introduced as a replacement for the deprecated methods. These new APIs allow third-party libraries to register preload scripts without replacing existing scripts. Also, the new type option allows for additional preload targets beyond frame.

// Deprecated
session.setPreloads([path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')]);

// Replace with:
type: 'frame',
id: 'app-preload',
filePath: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js'),

Deprecated: level, message, line, and sourceId arguments in console-message event on WebContents

The console-message event on WebContents has been updated to provide details on the Event argument.

// Deprecated
(event, level, message, line, sourceId) => {},

// Replace with:
({ level, message, lineNumber, sourceId, frame }) => {},

Additionally, level is now a string with possible values of info, warning, error, and debug.

Behavior Changed: urls property of WebRequestFilter.

Previously, an empty urls array was interpreted as including all URLs. To explicitly include all URLs, developers should now use the <all_urls> pattern, which is a designated URL pattern that matches every possible URL. This change clarifies the intent and ensures more predictable behavior.

// Deprecated
const deprecatedFilter = {
urls: [],

// Replace with
const newFilter = {
urls: ['<all_urls>'],

Deprecated: systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled()

The systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled() function has been deprecated without replacement. It has been always returning true since Electron 23, which only supports Windows 10+, where DWM composition can no longer be disabled.

End of Support for 32.x.y

Electron 32.x.y has reached end-of-support as per the project's support policy. Developers and applications are encouraged to upgrade to a newer version of Electron.

E35 (Mar'25)E36 (Apr'25)E37 (Jun'25)

What's Next

In the short term, you can expect the team to continue to focus on keeping up with the development of the major components that make up Electron, including Chromium, Node, and V8.

You can find Electron's public timeline here.

More information about future changes can be found on the Planned Breaking Changes page.